卫兰A dIfferent kInd of realItY
I dream of lovIng In the nIght
And lovIng seems alrIght althoUgh It's Only fantasY
If YoU do eXIst
HoneY don't resIst
Show me a new waY of lovIng
Tell me that It's trUe
Show me what to do
I feel somethIng specIal aboUt YoU
Dreams mY realItY
A wonderoUs world where I lIke to be
IllUsIons are a common thIng
I @R_316_4187@ to lIve In dreams althoUgh It's Only fantasY
Dreams mY realItY
I lIke to dream of YoU close to me
I dream of lovIng In the nIght
And Loving You seems rIght
Perhaps that's mY realItY
I dream of lovIng In the nIght
And lovIng seems alrIght althoUgh It's Only fantasY
If YoU do eXIst
HoneY don't resIst
Show me a new waY of lovIng
Tell me that It's trUe
Show me what to do
I feel somethIng specIal aboUt YoU
Dreams mY realItY
A wonderoUs world where I lIke to be
IllUsIons are a common thIng
I @R_316_4187@ to lIve In dreams althoUgh It's Only fantasY
Dreams mY realItY
I lIke to dream of YoU close to me
I dream of lovIng In the nIght
And Loving You seems rIght
Perhaps that's mY realItY