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王诗安MornIng comes and
I'll be the one
YoU coUld not forget

After all when everYthIng's saId and done
YoU're actIng lIke It's somethIng
We coUld have saved bUt
We coUld have saved bUt
We both know where thIs Is goIng

And now It's too late
I pUt all mY Money where mY moUth Is

Bet It all on a love that never stopped gIvIng

ThoUght YoU were the one I coUld spend It all wIth
BUt YoU alreadY had It all before I met YoU
StaYed wIth YoU tIll the end
All these nIghts that we shared
Now theY're gone from me
We look to the nIght skY the Light star
ShootIng stars In a dream
TUrn Into Light dUst

I wanna be In YoUr arms
StaY here and hold me UntIl
MornIng comes and
I'll be the one

YoU coUld not forget

ShootIng stars In a dream



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