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As Long As I Have You

王力宏everYthIng that YoU are@H_116_0@ and everYthIng that YoU do@H_116_0@ fIlls me wIth hope and love@H_116_0@ I want YoU to know that I love YoU@H_116_0@ thoUghts of YoU fIll mY mInd@H_116_0@ and brIghten Up everY daY@H_116_0@ mY dreams of a perfect love@H_116_0@ comIng trUe In so manY waYs@H_116_0@ and I know I can't be wrong@H_116_0@ to saY that Together we belong@H_116_0@ and thInk of the tImes@H_116_0@ we've seen each other throUgh@H_116_0@ tell me If the song@H_116_0@ shoUld ever get wearY or too long@H_116_0@ that everYghIng wIll calm@H_116_0@ as long as I have YoU@H_116_0@ @H_116_0@ YoUr kIsses are jUst lIke sUmshIne@H_116_0@ meltIng awaY the wInter snow and@H_116_0@ sUddenlY lIfe awakens@H_116_0@ remIndIng me YoU're the best woman I know@H_116_0@ and I know I can't be wrong@H_116_0@ to saY that Together we belong@H_116_0@ and thInk of the tImes@H_116_0@ we've seen each other throUgh@H_116_0@ tell me If the song@H_116_0@ shoUld ever get wearY or too long@H_116_0@ that everYghIng wIll calm@H_116_0@ as long as I have YoU@H_116_0@ tell me If the song@H_116_0@ shoUld ever get wearY or too long@H_116_0@ that everYghIng wIll calm@H_116_0@ as long as I have YoU@H_116_0@ @H_116_0@ 歌词大全www.chagecI.cn

《As Long As I Have You》

