Am I Still Your Lover
王杰曲:王杰 词:BeLinda Foo@H_423_0@
Am I stIll YoUr lover Am I stIll YoUr man@H_423_0@
Am I stIll the one YoU tUrn to when YoU’re blUe@H_423_0@
Not that It matters now StIll I wIsh It trUe@H_423_0@
Do YoU stIll remember PromIses we made@H_423_0@
Ever after dreams we never thoUght woUld fade@H_423_0@
BUt all Is lost and what Is left Is a memorY@H_423_0@
I’ll whIsper YoUr name to the wInd@H_423_0@
I’ll send a love note wIth the raIn@H_423_0@
She wIll tell YoU how mUch I’mIssIng YoU@H_423_0@
And praYIng that YoUr heart wIll soon be free to love agaIn@H_423_0@
TIme wIll be YoUr healer TIme wIll be YoUr frIend@H_423_0@
Soon YoU’ll saY goodbYe to heartache@H_423_0@
BUt YoU’ll alwaYs have a frIend@H_423_0@
Let the wInter pass Let the sUn InTo Your heart@H_423_0@
Open Up YoUr door to lIfe once more
《Am I Still Your Lover》
寂寞(Piano Solo)
寂寞(Piano Solo)