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Eyes On Me

王菲eYes on me @H_571_0@ 注视我的目光@H_571_0@ @H_571_0@ 曲:植松伸夫@H_571_0@ 词:野岛一成@H_571_0@ 译:慧剑无@H_571_0@ @H_571_0@ whenever sang mY songs.每次唱自己的歌@H_571_0@ on the stage,on mY own!独自在舞台上@H_571_0@ @H_571_0@ whenever saId mY words.道出声@H_571_0@ wIshIng theY woUld be heard.希望有人聆听@H_571_0@ I saw YoU smIlIng at me.看见你对我微笑@H_571_0@ was It real or jUst mY fantasY?真的吗?亦或只是我的幻想?@H_571_0@ YoU'd alwaYs be there In the corner.你总待在角落里@H_571_0@ of thIs tInY lIttle bar.在这个小酒吧中@H_571_0@ @H_571_0@ mY last nIght here for YoU.最后在此为你待一个晚上@H_571_0@ samg old songs,jUst once more.最后唱一遍相同的老歌@H_571_0@ mY last nIght here wIth YoU?这是与你在一起的最后一晚吗?@H_571_0@ maYbe Yes,maYbe no.也许,是也许不是.@H_571_0@ I kInd of lIked It YoUr waY.我有些@R_941_4237@注视我的方式@H_571_0@ how YoU shYlY placed Ur eYes on me.害羞地凝视着我@H_571_0@ oh,dId YoU ever know?哦,你可知道@H_571_0@ that I had mIne on YoU.我也在注视着你@H_571_0@ @H_571_0@ darlIng,so there YoU are.达令,你就在那儿@H_571_0@ wIth that look on YoUr face.脸上的表情@H_571_0@ as If YoU're never hUrt.好象从未受过伤害@H_571_0@ as If YoU're never down.从未失败@H_571_0@ shall I be the one for YoU?我可以是哪个人吗?@H_571_0@ who pInches YoU softlY bUt sUre.那个温柔而坚定地拧你一下的人@H_571_0@ If frown Is shown then.如果你皱眉@H_571_0@ I'll know that YoU're on dreamer.我会知道你不是在梦游@H_571_0@ @H_571_0@ so let me come To You.让我靠近你@H_571_0@ close as I wanted to be近到我满意@H_571_0@ close enoUgh for me.近到我@H_571_0@ to feel YoUr heart beatIng fast.能听见你的心跳加速@H_571_0@ and staY there as I whIsper.我停靠在那儿悄声诉说@H_571_0@ how I love YoU peacefUl eYes on me.多么@R_941_4237@凝视我的宁的双眼@H_571_0@ dId YoU ever know.哦,你可知道@H_571_0@ that I had mIne on YoU.我也在注视着你@H_571_0@ @H_571_0@ darlIng,so share wIth me.爱人,如果你的爱够深@H_571_0@ YoUr love If YoU have enoUgh.和我分享吧@H_571_0@ Ur tests If YoU're holdIng back.强忍住的泪水和痛苦@H_571_0@ or paIn If that's what It Is.也让我分担@H_571_0@ how can I let YoU know.怎样让你知道@H_571_0@ I'm more than the dress the voIce.我不仅是这样的音容笑貌.@H_571_0@ jUst reach me oUt then.伸手碰一下我@H_571_0@ YoU'll know that YoU're not Dreaming.便会知道你不是在做梦@H_571_0@ @H_571_0@ darlIng,so there YoU are.达令,你就在那儿@H_571_0@ wIth that look on YoUr face.脸上的表情@H_571_0@ as If YoU're never hUrt.好象从未受过伤害@H_571_0@ as If YoU're never down.从未失败@H_571_0@ shall I be the one for YoU?我可以是哪个人吗?@H_571_0@ who pInches YoU softlY bUt sUre.那个温柔而坚定地拧你一下的人@H_571_0@ If frown Is shown then.如果你皱眉@H_571_0@ I'll know that YoU're on dreamer.我会知道你不是在梦游

《Eyes On Me》


Separate Ways(128 Beat Mix)