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This Is The Way

TwinsThIs Is the waY we wash oUr clothesm,@H_163_0@ wash oUr clothes,wash oUr clothes.@H_163_0@ ThIs Is the waY we wash oUr clothes,@H_163_0@ so earlY MondaY mornIng.@H_163_0@ ThIs Is the waY we Iron oUr dress,@H_163_0@ Iron oUr dress ,Iron oUr dress,@H_163_0@ ThIs Is the waY we Iron oUr dress,@H_163_0@ so earlY TUesdaY mornIng.@H_163_0@ ThIs Is the waY we scrUb the floor@H_163_0@ scrUb the floor,scrUb the floor@H_163_0@ ThIs Is the waY we scrUb the floor,@H_163_0@ so earlY WednesdaY mornIng.@H_163_0@ ThIs Is the waY we mend oUr socks.@H_163_0@ mend oUr socks,mend oUr socks.@H_163_0@ ThIs Is the waY we mend oUr socks,@H_163_0@ so earlY ThUrsdaY mornIng.@H_163_0@ ThIs Is the waY we sweep the hoUse.@H_163_0@ sweep the hoUse,sweet the hoUse.@H_163_0@ ThIs Is the waY we sweep the hoUse@H_163_0@ so earlY FrIdaY mornIng.@H_163_0@ @H_163_0@ ThIs Is the waY we make oUr bread.@H_163_0@ make oUr bread,makeoUr bread.@H_163_0@ ThIs Is the waY we make oUr bread,@H_163_0@ so earlY SatUrdaY mornIng.@H_163_0@ ThIs Is the waY we go to chUrch,go to chUrch,@H_163_0@ go to chUrch.@H_163_0@ ThIs Is the waY we go to chUrch,@H_163_0@ so earlY SUndaY mornIng.

《This Is The Way》


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