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Girl With One Eye

田馥甄She told me not to step on the cracks @H_237_0@ 她警告我不要在缝隙间@H_237_0@ @H_237_0@ I told her not to fUss and relaX @H_237_0@ 我告诉她无需小题大做,放轻松@H_237_0@ @H_237_0@ Well her prettY lIttle face stopped me In mY tracks @H_237_0@ 她精致的瓜子脸迫使我停留在原先足迹上@H_237_0@ @H_237_0@ BUt now she sleeps wIth one eYe open @H_237_0@ 但现在她必须得睁着一只眼睡觉(另译:但现在她必须时刻留意)@H_237_0@ @H_237_0@ That's the prIce she paId @H_237_0@ 那就是她付出的代价@H_237_0@ @H_237_0@ I took a knIfe and cUt oUt her eYe @H_237_0@ 我用刀挖出了她的眼睛@H_237_0@ @H_237_0@ I took It home and watched It wIther and dIe @H_237_0@ 带回家目睹它一点点灰飞烟灭@H_237_0@ @H_237_0@ Well she's Lucky that I dIdn't slIp her a Smile @H_237_0@ 她很幸运我没有赠与她微笑@H_237_0@ @H_237_0@ That's whY she sleeps wIth one eYe open @H_237_0@ 那就是为什么她睁着一只眼睡觉@H_237_0@ @H_237_0@ That's the prIce she paId @H_237_0@ 那就是她付出的代价@H_237_0@ @H_237_0@ I saId heY gIrl wIth one eYe @H_237_0@ 我说独眼女孩@H_237_0@ @H_237_0@ Get YoUr fIlthY fIngers oUt of mY pIe @H_237_0@ 不要用你那肮脏的手指染指我的所属物@H_237_0@ @H_237_0@ I saId heY gIrl wIth one eYe @H_237_0@ 我说独眼女孩@H_237_0@ @H_237_0@ I'll cUt YoUr lIttle heart oUt caUse YoU made me crY @H_237_0@ 因为你令我落泪,我将挖出你稚嫩的脏@H_237_0@ @H_237_0@ I slIpped mY hand Under her skIrt @H_237_0@ 手轻轻从她裙子底下划过@H_237_0@ @H_237_0@ I saId don't worrY It's not gonna hUrt @H_237_0@ 我说不用担我不会伤害你@H_237_0@ @H_237_0@ Oh mY repUtatIon's kInda c@R_577_2950@ed wIth dIrt @H_237_0@ 我的声誉蒙上了一层污垢@H_237_0@ @H_237_0@ That's whY she sleep wIth one eYe open @H_237_0@ 那就是为什么她要睁着一只眼睡觉@H_237_0@ @H_237_0@ That's the prIce she paId @H_237_0@ 那就是她付出的代价@H_237_0@ @H_237_0@ I saId heY gIrl wIth one eYe @H_237_0@ 我说独眼女孩@H_237_0@ @H_237_0@ Get YoUr fIlthY fIngers oUt of mY pIe @H_237_0@ 不要用你那肮脏的手指染指我的所属物@H_237_0@ @H_237_0@ I saId heY gIrl wIth one eYe @H_237_0@ 我说独眼女孩@H_237_0@ @H_237_0@ I'll cUt YoUr lIttle heart oUt caUse YoU made me crY @H_237_0@ 不要用你那肮脏的手指染指我的所属物@H_237_0@ @H_237_0@ YoU made me crY @H_237_0@ 你令我落泪@H_237_0@ @H_237_0@ YoU made me crY @H_237_0@ 你让我哭泣@H_237_0@ @H_237_0@ YoU made me crY @H_237_0@ 你居然让我落泪@H_237_0@ @H_237_0@ I saId heY gIrl wIth one eYe @H_237_0@ 歌曲原唱 florence and the machIne @H_237_0@ @H_237_0@ 我说独眼女孩@H_237_0@ @H_237_0@ Get YoUr fIlthY fIngers oUt of mY pIe @H_237_0@ 不要用你那肮脏的手指染指我的所属物@H_237_0@ @H_237_0@ I saId heY gIrl wIth one eYe @H_237_0@ 我说独眼女孩@H_237_0@ @H_237_0@ Get YoUr fIlthY fIngers oUt of mY pIe @H_237_0@ 不要用你那肮脏的手指染指我的所属物@H_237_0@ @H_237_0@ I saId heY gIrl wIth one eYe @H_237_0@ 我说独眼女孩@H_237_0@ @H_237_0@ Get YoUr fIlthY fIngers oUt of mY pIe @H_237_0@ 不要用你那肮脏的手指染指我的所属物@H_237_0@ @H_237_0@ I saId heY gIrl wIth one eYe @H_237_0@ 我说独眼女孩@H_237_0@ @H_237_0@ I'll cUt YoUr lIttle heart oUt caUse YoU made me crY @H_237_0@ 不要用你那肮脏的手指染指我的所属物

《Girl With One Eye 》


Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down)