Make Believe
谭咏麟make belIeve 谭咏麟@H_238_0@
作曲:刘以达 填词:john bateson@H_238_0@
编曲:山崎稔 语言:英语@H_238_0@
收录于大碟: fantasY (1987) / 半梦半醒之间 (1988)@H_238_0@
其它版本: 第一滴泪 (粤语)@H_238_0@
we've had oUr Ups and down rIght from The Start@H_238_0@
I know YoU're bothered bY an achIng heart@H_238_0@
thoUgh YoU saY YoU love me wIth a love so trUe@H_238_0@
stIll there's somethIng wrong that makes YoU blUe@H_238_0@
the daY we met was lIke a dream come trUe@H_238_0@
mY lIfe has changed I owe It all To You@H_238_0@
when lIfe's pressUre seems to tear oUr love apart@H_238_0@
how I wIsh YoU knew the waY I feel In mY heart@H_238_0@
maYbe what we need Is a place to dream awaY@H_238_0@
troUbles that Upset YoU and me@H_238_0@
let's make belIeve we're In love agaIn@H_238_0@
forget the world aroUnd Us and Its paIn@H_238_0@
let's make belIeve we're In love agaIn@H_238_0@
Together we can fInd love agaIn@H_238_0@
I know I'm not the strongest man aroUnd@H_238_0@
and sometImes, dear, that seems to get YoU down@H_238_0@
bUt we fell In love and love maY hUrt Us now@H_238_0@
bUt be patIent Please@H_238_0@
I'll make YoU Happy somehow@H_238_0@
maYbe what we need Is a place to dream awaY@H_238_0@
troUbles that Upset YoU and me@H_238_0@
let's make belIeve we're In love agaIn@H_238_0@
let's fool oUrselves and saY that love Is blInd@H_238_0@
let's make belIeve we're In love agaIn@H_238_0@
Forever a new heaven we'll fInd
《Make Believe》