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谭咏麟作曲:网仓一也 编曲:入江纯 @H_160_0@ 语言:英语 @H_160_0@ 收录于大碟:HELLO! @R_162_1358@(1987)/手相连(1988) @H_160_0@ 其它版本:无边的思忆(粤语)/AnnIe(日)(英语/日语) @H_160_0@ @H_160_0@ @H_160_0@ SometImes I lIe awake and wander In a dream@H_160_0@ And wonder how mY lIfe wIth her@H_160_0@ CoUld have been@H_160_0@ She was jUst an open book@H_160_0@ WIth travel on her mInd@H_160_0@ I promIsed her a lIfe she dIdn't know@H_160_0@ If she woUld go@H_160_0@ We ran awaY from Memories of paIn@H_160_0@ Danced across the world@H_160_0@ HopIng for a love that never came@H_160_0@ So let's tUrn aroUnd and see@H_160_0@ That the fUtUre Is In YoU and me@H_160_0@ It's all In oUr mInds@H_160_0@ As long as we fInd the tIme@H_160_0@ And we'll throw awaY the past@H_160_0@ For a feelIng that we hope wIll last@H_160_0@ I thoUght we coUld Try@H_160_0@ How coUld I belIeve In a bIgger lIe@H_160_0@ @H_160_0@ AnnIe dId YoU have to rUn awaY@H_160_0@ DId YoU belIeve that there was nothIng left to saY@H_160_0@ YoU made a prIsoner of me and then YoU set me free@H_160_0@ TUrned everY moment to a sea of graY@H_160_0@ I'm lIvIng In a world of YesterdaY@H_160_0@ 'CaUse there's a part of me that needs to hIde awaY@H_160_0@ From all the tragedY I see starIng back at me@H_160_0@ Whenever love beGins to look mY waY@H_160_0@ @H_160_0@ And so I go on wastIng Summer In the cold@H_160_0@ WhIle all aboUt me AprIl leaves are growIng old@H_160_0@ @H_160_0@ I sat amId an emptY room@H_160_0@ Awash In fantasY@H_160_0@ WIth vIsIons of an angel@H_160_0@ MovIng sLowlY oUt to sea@H_160_0@ I called across the waves bUt she was gone@H_160_0@ SoarIng on the wInd@H_160_0@ ClIngIng to a dream to meet the dawn@H_160_0@ So It's tIme to rearrange@H_160_0@ And get Used to what I haven't got@H_160_0@ As long as I know@H_160_0@ It's better to love than not@H_160_0@ I maY fInd It all agaIn@H_160_0@ And get caUght Up In a new sUrprIse@H_160_0@ The fUtUre Is here@H_160_0@ Then I Fall apart as I realIze@H_160_0@ @H_160_0@ Another chapter ends and aUtUmn reappears@H_160_0@ As glIstenIng wIshes fade awaY throUgh the Years@H_160_0@ And darlIng If YoU Fall In love another daY@H_160_0@ Don't gIve the best of YoU awaY...



Misty You