孙燕姿There Is a voIce wIthIn mY mInd @H_576_0@
sIngIng the songs of dIstant tImes @H_576_0@
SpeakIng the thoUghts from lost horIzons. @H_576_0@
MUsIc and words that mUst be sIgns @H_576_0@
ShapIng the facets that defIne @H_576_0@
How we have come to be the present @H_576_0@
Descendants. @H_576_0@
ThoUgh we're from ten dIfferent lands @H_576_0@
BoUnd bY shores of common sand @H_576_0@
SIngIng oUt as one @H_576_0@
Let's stand @H_576_0@
The world Is In oUr hands @H_576_0@
No matter where we're from @H_576_0@
If we coUld sIng one song @H_576_0@
Dreams that are YoUrs and mIne @H_576_0@
TheY wIll be realIzed. @H_576_0@
TrUstIng the love we feel @H_576_0@
TrUst In the love that's real @H_576_0@
ChIldren UnIte @H_576_0@
People of ASEAN @H_576_0@
RIse ! @H_576_0@
Chapters UnfoldIng from the past @H_576_0@
SpeakIng on wIsdom to mY heart @H_576_0@
Lessons to learn from oUr ancestors @H_576_0@
PUshIng horIzons let's have faIth @H_576_0@
OUr dIfferences we wIll embrace @H_576_0@
ShapIng as one oUr common fUtUre @H_576_0@
OUr fUtUre.