mY haIr was long & shInIng@H_165_0@
YoU saId YoU can't belIeve @H_165_0@
how coUld I walk oUt that door@H_165_0@
or walk along the streets@H_165_0@
YoU told me I shoUld YoU know@H_165_0@
do some bIng bang cUrlY wUrlY afro thIng@H_165_0@
I took YoUr word & dId @H_165_0@
looked In mY mIrror@H_165_0@
who's that freak@H_165_0@
whY does the world deceIve@H_165_0@
whY do I make belIeve@H_165_0@
took mY heel & made@H_165_0@
achIlles oUt of me @H_165_0@
stIll I won't wanna be @H_165_0@
@R_152_1575@ who'd answer to me@H_165_0@
@R_152_1575@ who sees lIke a chIld @H_165_0@
gIves lIke a saInt@H_165_0@
@R_231_2256@ lIke an angel@H_165_0@
never mInd the broken wIngs@H_165_0@
and speaks lIke a pIctUre @H_165_0@
crIes lIke the raIn@H_165_0@
shInes lIke The Star@H_165_0@
as long as the fIre remaIns@H_165_0@
the vase besIde mY bed@H_165_0@
It's emptY almost dead@H_165_0@
It's for all the fLowers I'm gonna gIve YoU he saId @H_165_0@
and now It's collectIng dUst Instead