据悉这首歌叫作断线,是由Shang和lIl sophY合唱的,很是好听,配不配对不对你怎样我都无所谓在歌词后段。@H_234_1@
作词 : Shang@H_234_1@
Prod. lIl Happy lIl sad/JUrrIvh@H_234_1@
HeY Um...I'm feelIng reallY bad rIght now and Um...@H_234_1@
I'm not sUre If I'm gonna make It so...@H_234_1@
Babe I know I've done YoU wrong@H_234_1@
I can hear It In YoUr songs@H_234_1@
I can see It on YoUr face@H_234_1@
Won't be long for I'm replaced@H_234_1@
I'll mIss the tImes we had@H_234_1@
And I'll mIss the laUghs we shared@H_234_1@
I'll mIss staYIng Up tIll mIdnIght@H_234_1@
And the tImes when everYthIng felt rIght@H_234_1@
不想了解 我的一切 酒后的真心话全都是shIt@H_234_1@
BabY I Don't even need YoU@H_234_1@
BabY I Don't even mIss YoU@H_234_1@
BabY I Don't know If It Is trUe@H_234_1@
BabY I jUst want to kIll mYself@H_234_1@
BabY take It all awaY@H_234_1@
I Don't wanna feel thIs paIn@H_234_1@
I Don't wanna feel thIs waY@H_234_1@
I can see The Stars In YoUr eYes@H_234_1@
Wanna fUckIng bLow mY own braIn@H_234_1@
Babe I know I've done YoU wrong@H_234_1@
I can hear It In YoUr songs@H_234_1@
I can see It on YoUr face@H_234_1@
Won't be long for I'm replaced@H_234_1@
I'll mIss the tImes we had@H_234_1@
And I'll mIss the laUghs we shared@H_234_1@
I'll mIss staYIng Up tIll mIdnIght@H_234_1@
And the tImes when everYthIng felt rIght@H_234_1@
BabY I Don't even need YoU@H_234_1@
BabY I Don't even mIss YoU@H_234_1@
BabY I Don't know If It Is trUe@H_234_1@
BabY I jUst want to kIll mYself@H_234_1@
BabY take It all awaY@H_234_1@
I Don't wanna feel thIs paIn@H_234_1@
I Don't wanna feel thIs waY@H_234_1@
I can see The Stars In YoU eYes@H_234_1@
Wanna fUckIng bLow mY own braIn@H_234_1@
Wanna fUckIng bLow mY own braIn@H_234_1@
Wanna fUckIng bLow mY own braIn@H_234_1@