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Some Time

容祖儿LIke YoU can't take YoUr prettY eYes awaY from me@H_236_0@ It's not that I Don't want to staY@H_236_0@ BUt everY tIme YoU.e too close I move awaY@H_236_0@ I wanna belIeve In everYthIng that YoU saY@H_236_0@ CaUse It soUnds so good@H_236_0@ BUt If YoU reallY want me, move sLow@H_236_0@ There's thIngs aboUt me YoU jUst have to know @H_236_0@ SometImes I rUn@H_236_0@ SometImes I hIde@H_236_0@ SometImes I'm scared of YoU@H_236_0@ BUt all I reallY want Is to hold YoU tIght@H_236_0@ Treat YoU rIght, be wIth YoU daY and nIght@H_236_0@ BabY all I need Is tIme@H_236_0@ I Don't wanna be so shY@H_236_0@ EverY tIme that I'm alone I wonder whY@H_236_0@ Hope that YoU wIll waIt for me@H_236_0@ YoU'll see that YoU're the Only one for me@H_236_0@ I wanna belIeve In everYthIng that YoU saY@H_236_0@ CaUse It soUnds so good@H_236_0@ BUt If YoU reallY want me, move sLow@H_236_0@ There's thIngs aboUt me YoU jUst have to know@H_236_0@ JUst hang aroUnd and YoU'll see@H_236_0@ There's nowhere I'd rather be@H_236_0@ If YoU love me, trUst In me@H_236_0@ The waY that I trUst In YoU@H_236_0@ Made bY chan @H_236_0@ Be wIth YoU daY and nIght

《Some Time》

