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Send In The Clowns

齐豫BUt where are the c@R_723_3853@ns

Send In the c@R_723_3853@ns
JUst when I stopped opennIng door
FInallY knowIng the one that I wanted was YoUrs
MakIng mY entrance agaIn
WIth mY UsUal flaIr
SUre of mY lInes
No one Is there

Don't YoU love farce mY faUlt I fear

I thoUght that YoU'd want what I want
SorrY mY dear
BUt where are the c@R_723_3853@ns

Send In the c@R_723_3853@ns
Don't bother theY're here

Isn't It rIch Isn't It qUeer

LosIng mY tImIng thIs lat Is mY career
BUt where are the c@R_723_3853@ns

There oUght to be c@R_723_3853@ns

Well maYbe neXt Year

《Send In The Clowns》


Castles In The Air
你是我的天使 (《来吧孩子》真人秀主题曲)