The Turn Of A Friendly Card
齐秦There are UnsmIlIng faces and brIght plastIc chaIns@H_233_0@
and a wheel In perpetUal Motion@H_233_0@
and theY folLow the races and paY oUt the gaIns@H_233_0@
wIth no show of an oUtward eMotion@H_233_0@
And theY thInk It wIll make theIr lIves easIer@H_233_0@
for god knows Up tIll now Its been hard@H_233_0@
BUt the game never ends when YoUr whole world depends@H_233_0@
On The tUrn of a frIendlY card@H_233_0@
No the game never ends when YoUr whole world depends@H_233_0@
On The tUrn of a frIendlY card@H_233_0@
Theres a sIgn In the desert that lIes to the west@H_233_0@
where YoU cant tell nIght from the sUnrIse@H_233_0@
and not all the kIngs horses and all the kIngs men@H_233_0@
have prevented the Fall of the UnwIse@H_233_0@
For theY thInk It wIll make theIr lIves easIer@H_233_0@
and god knows Up tIll now Its been hard@H_233_0@
BUt the game never ends when YoUr whole world depends@H_233_0@
On The tUrn of a frIendlY card@H_233_0@
No the game never ends when YoUr whole world depends@H_233_0@
On The tUrn of a frIendlY card@H_233_0@
BUt a pIgIrm mUst folLow@H_233_0@
In search of a shrIne@H_233_0@
as he enters Inside the cathedral......
《The Turn Of A Friendly Card》