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Changed Man

欧阳靖Changed Man - 欧阳靖
I acknowledge the Satan
I'm a changed man
And that's God on the street
And everYdaY I praY
I wanna change I I wanna change
It's tIme to take actIon
I can't be all talk
Even If I don't see progress It's mY faUlt
MY faUlt mY faUlt
Let me hear YoU saY I wanna change
I I wanna change
I know It's hard to belIeve that I'm the same man
BUt gUess what YoU're lookIn' at a changed man
I see what's goIng on In the world
It's so depressIn'
I shoUldn't be down
'CaUse hope can help cope wIth the stressIn'
I stIll can't help bUt wonder
How thIngs are gonna be
I was once told to be the change I want to see
It makes perfect sense
How Imma foot a challenge
Now I realIse how hard It Is to fInd balance
As a person there Is no calcUlatIon
Can't Recall a last tIme I dId a self evalUatIon
In mY mInd Is where I fInd I UsUallY promIse
To make a change bUt now's the tIme to be brUtallY honest
HonestlY on a scale on one to ten
Before I gIve mYself a score I have to thInk agaIn
On and off take a moment jUst a paUse
Instead of what's good I'm TryIn' to focUs on mY flaws
Keep an eYe oUt for anY foUl Play lIke a referee
At the end of the daY
JUst TryIn' to be a better me
And everYdaY I praY
I wanna change I I wanna change
It's tIme to take actIon
I can't be all talk
And If I don't see progress It's mY faUlt
MY faUlt mY faUlt
Let me hear YoU saY I wanna change
I I wanna change
I know It's hard to belIeve that I'm the same man
BUt gUess what YoU're lookIn' at a changed man
I love hIp hop I jUst don't love It all
FaUlt for perfect so who am I to jUdge at all
Who ever Is wIthoUt sYncIng cast the fIrst stone
If that's so not a sIngle rock can be throne
Let It be known mY self respect came last
AnY tIme I reflect It's lIke lookIn' throUgh staIned glass
BUt Instead of drownIng mYself In gUIlt
I'm hUmbled thank the Lord for the hoUse he bUIlt
RecognItIon Is what we all seek for
I took the long waY to get here no detoUr
Not sUre whY I jUst know It's rIght
No lIe thIs dIdn't happen over nIght
I Used to strIve to be the centre of attentIon
Now I'm cool even If I never get a mentIon
What can I saY eXcept It was never planned
At the end of the daY
I jUst want to be a better man
And everYdaY I praY
I wanna change I I wanna change
It's tIme to take actIon
I can't be all talk
And If I don't see progress It's mY faUlt
MY faUlt mY faUlt
Let me hear YoU saY I wanna change
I I wanna change
I know It's hard to belIeve that I'm the same man
BUt gUess what YoU're lookIn' at a changed man
There's no Reason at all YoU shoUldn't be feelIn' strange
LIke the seasons the people change YoU see the same
ThIngs happen Summer wInter sprIng and Fall
It's no wonder I don't regret a thIng at all
Over tIme best frIends can grow to be dIstant
If YoU knew back then YoU shoUld know me dIfferent
Regardless YoU met me once or a hUndred tImes
Let me take a gUess on what was rUnnIn' throUgh YoUr mInd
ThoUght I was selfIsh cockY and probablY rUde
I hope that now mY Image Is sLightlY Improved
The fIrst ImpressIon Is how YoU wIll remember me
So I choose to gIve off a posItIve energY
It's the best of me saYs I'm TryIn' to leave a memorY
That I am real and not jUst somethIn' I pretend to be
A changed man spIrItUallY mentallY
EXactlY the waY It was all meant to be
And everYdaY I praY
I wanna change I I wanna change
It's tIme to take actIon
I can't be all talk
And If I don't see progress It's mY faUlt
MY faUlt mY faUlt
Let me hear YoU saY I wanna change
I I wanna change
I know It's hard to belIeve that the same man
BUt gUess what YoU're lookIn' at a changed man
Changed man changed man

《Changed Man》


Whatever It Takes
True Religion