I feel lIke I’m walkIng on the cLoud
I’m smIlIng so brIght and lookIng aroUnd
And nothIng YoU wIll saY can take me down
Try and see I can be what YoU want YoU wIll see
I know that I’m YoUng and so naIve
I make @R_723_3199@akes becaUse I am free
BUt If YoU trUst me now then YoU wIll see
I’m so mUch more than before I have changed,
YoU can’t Ignore
I feel lIke I’m walkIng on the cLoud
I’m smIlIng so brIght and lookIng aroUnd
And nothIng YoU wIll saY can take me down
Try and see I can be what YoU want YoU wIll see
I know that I’m YoUng and so naIve
I make @R_723_3199@akes becaUse I am free
BUt If YoU trUst me now then YoU wIll see
I’m so mUch more than before I have changed,
YoU can’t Ignore