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我不配 (中英文混唱版)

罗艺恒原唱:周杰伦@H_523_0@ 改编:罗艺恒@H_523_0@ 吉:罗艺恒@H_523_0@ 翻唱:罗艺恒 (M.SICK)@H_523_0@ 和声:罗艺恒 @H_523_0@ 监制 混缩:罗艺恒 (M.SICK) & 贡忆 @H_523_0@ @H_523_0@ 《我不配》@H_523_0@ @H_523_0@ So manY people here, @H_523_0@ HoldIng theIr secrets near.@H_523_0@ ThIs street Is cLouded bY a world of hIdden feelIng.@H_523_0@ StIll hope lIes In YoUr eYes,@H_523_0@ And Smile YoU left me bY.@H_523_0@ That we maY fInd the pages lost wIthIn oUr storY.@H_523_0@ @H_523_0@ The daYs are not as brIght@H_523_0@ WIthoUt YoU In mY lIfe. @H_523_0@ The emptIed Memories stIll laY wIth me at nIght.@H_523_0@ The dIstance left behInd,@H_523_0@ What once sat sIde bY sIde@H_523_0@ WIthoUt YoU all I Do Is Play thIs game alone, It's@H_523_0@ @H_523_0@ StIll to late too @H_523_0@ Try to tell YoU @H_523_0@ All the waYs I love YoU.@H_523_0@ How coUld I beGin to make, @H_523_0@ To make Up for all of mY Mistakes.@H_523_0@ @H_523_0@ All thIs paIn, broken hearts@H_523_0@ I'm TryIng to make It throUgh.@H_523_0@ AlwaYs cold, never gave enoUgh of mY tIme To You@H_523_0@ CompromIse, how YoU trIed @H_523_0@ To get YoUr thoUghts throUgh to me.@H_523_0@ All YoU ever wanted were the lIttle thIngs.@H_523_0@ @H_523_0@ All thIs paIn, @R_237_3392@ at the end coUld I Understand,@H_523_0@ YoU took on all the bUrdens, opened YoUr heart to them.@H_523_0@ StIll YoU feel gUIltY, all the tears YoU shed for me.@H_523_0@ YoUr beaUtY, I wIsh I coUld have seen. @H_523_0@ I'm not worthY.@H_523_0@ @H_523_0@ 这街上太拥挤 @H_523_0@ 太多人有秘密 @H_523_0@ 玻璃上有雾气在被隐藏起过去@H_523_0@ 你脸上的情绪 @H_523_0@ 在原那场雨 @H_523_0@ 这巷弄太过弯曲不回故事里@H_523_0@ @H_523_0@ 这日子不再绿 @H_523_0@ 又斑驳了几句 @H_523_0@ 剩下搬空回忆的我在大房子里@H_523_0@ 电影院的座椅 @H_523_0@ 隔遥远的距离 @H_523_0@ 感情没有对手戏你跟自己下棋@H_523_0@ @H_523_0@ 来不及仔仔细细写下你的关于@H_523_0@ 描述我如何爱你 @H_523_0@ 你却微笑的离我而去@H_523_0@ @H_523_0@ 这感觉 已经不对 @H_523_0@ 我努力在挽回@H_523_0@ 一些些应该体贴的感觉我没给@H_523_0@ 你嘟嘴许的愿望很卑微在妥协@H_523_0@ 是我忽略 你不过要人陪@H_523_0@ @H_523_0@ 这感觉已经不对 @H_523_0@ 我最后才了解@H_523_0@ 一页页不忍翻阅的情节你好累@H_523_0@ 你默背为我掉过几次泪多憔悴@H_523_0@ 而我碎你受罪你的美我不配

《我不配 (中英文混唱版)》

