I've been alone wIth YoU Inside mY mInd@H_239_0@
And In mY dreams I've kIssed YoUr lIps a thoUSAnd tImes@H_239_0@
I sometImes see YoU pass oUtsIde mY door@H_239_0@
Hello' Is It me YoU're lookIng for?@H_239_0@
I can see It In YoUr eYes@H_239_0@
I can see It In YoUr Smile@H_239_0@
YoU're all I've ever wanted' (and) mY arms are open wIde@H_239_0@
'CaUse YoU know jUst what to saY@H_239_0@
And YoU know jUst what to do@H_239_0@
And I want to tell YoU so mUch' I love YoU ...@H_239_0@
'CaUse I wonder where YoU are@H_239_0@
And I wonder what YoU do@H_239_0@
Are YoU somewhere feelIng lonelY' or Is @R_854_1575@ lovIng YoU?@H_239_0@
Tell me how to wIn YoUr heart@H_239_0@
'CaUse I haven't got a clUe@H_239_0@
BUt let me start bY saYIng@H_239_0@
Hello' Is It me YoU're lookIng for?