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If I Ain't Got You

李幸倪Some people search for a foUntaIn

The promIses @R_116_1850@ YoUng

Some people need three dozen roses

And that's the Only waY to prove YoU love them

Hand me the world on a sIlver platter

And what good woUld It be

WIth no one to share

WIth no one who trUlY cares for me

Some people want It all

BUt I don't want nothIng at all

If It aIn't YoU babY
If I aIn't got YoU babY
Some people want dIamond rIngs

Some jUst want everYthIng
BUt everYthIng means nothIng
If I aIn't got YoU

If I aIn't tellIng me

If I aIn't want fUrtUre nothIng

I don't want nothIng

I don't want nothIng

If I aIn't got YoU wIth me

If I aIn't got YoU wIth me oh

So In thIs whole wIde world don't mean a thIng

If I aIn't got YoU wIth me

《If I Ain't Got You》

