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Slip Away

刘德华刘德华 - SlIp AwaY (电影《我知女人》主题曲)

作曲: JUstIn MaUrIce KearIn, ChrIstopher O'YoUng
填词: JUstIn MaUrIce KearIn, ChrIstopher O'YoUng
编曲: Adam Lee
监制: 陈德建,李

EverY tIme I look Into the mIrror of mY mInd
I barelY recognIze the man I see
He Used to be a dreamer
He Used to be lIke me
BUt I can see the sadness In hIs eYes
And he's no longer who I want to be

If I coUld I woUld change mY YesterdaY
I woUld lIsten to mY heart and then todaY
I'd see What trUe love coUld be
and I won't let Tomorrow
I won't let Tomorrow slIp awaY

I feel the tIde Is tUrnIng and I'm stranded oUt at sea
HopIng for mY rescUe to arrIve
The coUlds have all tUrned greY
And now the waves are crashIng In
I thoUght I coUld sUrvIve
bUt realItY has got the better part of me

If I coUld I woUld change mY YesterdaY
I woUld lIsten to mY heart and then todaY
I'd see What trUe love coUld be
And I won't let Tomorrow
I won't let Tomorrow
I won't let Tomorrow SlIp awaY

I'll make the promIse to mYself
That I wIll lIve each daY jUst lIke It was the last tIme
I'll ever see YoUr face agaIn

《Slip Away》


海阔天空 一路是蓝