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Goodbye Yellow Brick Road

When are YoU gonna come down@H_573_1@
When are YoU goIng to land@H_573_1@
I shoUld have staYed on the farm@H_573_1@
I shoUld have lIstened to mY old man@H_573_1@
YoU know YoU can't hold me Forever@H_573_1@
I dIdn't sIgn Up wIth YoU@H_573_1@
I'm not a present for YoUr frIends to open@H_573_1@
ThIs boY's too YoUng to be sIngIng the blUes@H_573_1@
So goodbYe YelLow brIck road@H_573_1@
Where the dogs of socIetY howl@H_573_1@
YoU can't plant me In YoUr penthoUse@H_573_1@
I'm goIng back to mY ploUgh@H_573_1@
Back to the howlIng old owl In the woods@H_573_1@
HUntIng the hornY back toad@H_573_1@
Oh I've fInallY decIded mY fUtUre lIes@H_573_1@
BeYond the YelLow brIck road@H_573_1@
What do YoU thInk YoU'll do then@H_573_1@
I bet that'll shoot down YoUr plane@H_573_1@
It'll take YoU a coUple of vodka and tonIcs@H_573_1@
To set YoU on YoUr feet agaIn@H_573_1@
MaYbe YoU'll get a replacement@H_573_1@
There's plentY lIke me to be foUnd@H_573_1@
Mongrels who aIn't got a pennY@H_573_1@
SnIffIng for tIdbIts lIke YoU on the groUnd@H_573_1@

《Goodbye Yellow Brick Road 》

