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Only Just A Dream

林忆莲LatelY I Feel LIke I'm Lost In The Dark @H_316_0@ I Don't Know If I'll FInd MY WaY To You AgaIn @H_316_0@ When EverY Step I Take Seems To Draw Us Apart @H_316_0@ LookIng Back,I Wonder How It All Began @H_316_0@ oh...@H_316_0@ @H_316_0@ Was It Only JUst A Dream I Had @H_316_0@ Is My Love For YoU JUst IllUsIon That WIll Never Come TrUe @H_316_0@ Is There AnYone To Lead Me BY The Hand @H_316_0@ I Only Want To Know That Somehow @H_316_0@ I'll FInd MY WaY To You @H_316_0@ @H_316_0@ SometImes It Seems LIke I'm Trapped In A Maze @H_316_0@ LonelIness Is All That's Left Inside Of Me @H_316_0@ No Matter How I Cannot Get The Haze @H_316_0@ Come To Me,Please Take Me Where We Used To Be

《Only Just A Dream》


What A Wonderful World