Talk 1
林忆莲ColdPlay - Talk
Robert (specIal for čćś)
oh brother I can't, I can't get throUgh
I've been TryIng hard to meet YoU
'caUse I Don't know what to do
oh brother I can't belIeve It's trUe
I'm so scared aboUt the fUtUre and I wanna talk @R_223_2186@
oh I wanna talk @R_223_2186@
YoU can take a pIctUre of somethIng YoU see
In the fUtUre where wIll I be?
YoU can clImb a ladder Up to the sUn
or a wrIte a song noBody has sUng
or do somethIng that's never been done
are YoU lost or Incomplete?
do YoU feel lIke a pUzzle
YoU can't fInd YoUr mIssIng pIece?
tell me how do YoU feel?
well I feel lIke theY're talkIng In a langUage I Don't speak
and theY're talkIng It to me
so YoU take a pIctUre of somethIng YoU see
In the fUtUre where wIll I be?
YoU can clImb a ladder Up to the sUn
or a wrIte a song noBody has sUng
or do somethIng that's never been done
or do somethIng that's never been done
*Atom Clan Forever...
*CoUnter-StrIke Forever!
so YoU don't know where YoU're goIng
and YoU wanna talk
and YoU feel lIke YoU're goIng where YoU've been before
YoU tell anYone who'll lIsten bUt YoU feel Ignored
nothIng's reallY makIng anY sense at all, let's talk
let's talk, let's talk, let's talk...
Robert (specIal for čćś)
oh brother I can't, I can't get throUgh
I've been TryIng hard to meet YoU
'caUse I Don't know what to do
oh brother I can't belIeve It's trUe
I'm so scared aboUt the fUtUre and I wanna talk @R_223_2186@
oh I wanna talk @R_223_2186@
YoU can take a pIctUre of somethIng YoU see
In the fUtUre where wIll I be?
YoU can clImb a ladder Up to the sUn
or a wrIte a song noBody has sUng
or do somethIng that's never been done
are YoU lost or Incomplete?
do YoU feel lIke a pUzzle
YoU can't fInd YoUr mIssIng pIece?
tell me how do YoU feel?
well I feel lIke theY're talkIng In a langUage I Don't speak
and theY're talkIng It to me
so YoU take a pIctUre of somethIng YoU see
In the fUtUre where wIll I be?
YoU can clImb a ladder Up to the sUn
or a wrIte a song noBody has sUng
or do somethIng that's never been done
or do somethIng that's never been done
*Atom Clan Forever...
*CoUnter-StrIke Forever!
so YoU don't know where YoU're goIng
and YoU wanna talk
and YoU feel lIke YoU're goIng where YoU've been before
YoU tell anYone who'll lIsten bUt YoU feel Ignored
nothIng's reallY makIng anY sense at all, let's talk
let's talk, let's talk, let's talk...
情人的眼泪 下一个歌词
Medley: 灰色的逃脱 / 非爱不可 / 再生恋 / 匆匆 / 你是我胸口永远的痛
情人的眼泪 下一个歌词
Medley: 灰色的逃脱 / 非爱不可 / 再生恋 / 匆匆 / 你是我胸口永远的痛