Make Believe
林凡@H_167_0@林凡@H_167_0@Make BelIeve@H_167_0@LYrIcs:YoUng CraIg/ValIandInghamsara@H_167_0@MUsIc:YoUng CraIgI@H_167_0@Arranger:苏德华@H_167_0@I coUldn't help notIce YoU watchIng them holdIng each other@H_167_0@YoU trIed to hIde YoUr sentImental thoUght@H_167_0@BUt the trUth Is faIthfUl so wIll and able to ask Us@H_167_0@How long wIll we be somethIng we aren't@H_167_0@更多歌词都可以来 查歌词网@H_167_0@Hold and @R_166_4187@ as we maY we know we wIll never be that waY@H_167_0@'CaUse theY make love bUt we jUst make belIeve@H_167_0@(Oh Ya~theY make love bUt we jUst make belIeve)@H_167_0@SometImes It's easY jUst stYle for the needs wIthIn Us@H_167_0@As settle for the comfort of me and YoU@H_167_0@I gUess we coUld make It If not for that sUbtle remInders@H_167_0@Of what we get to feel the waY theY do
《Make Believe》