黎明@H_316_0@黎明@H_316_0@越夜越有机@H_316_0@作词:甄健强@H_316_0@作曲:雷颂德@H_316_0@ShoUld I, shoUld I, woUld I, contInUe on after one nIght@H_316_0@One tIme, do I, maY never look back Up to get YoUr love(love)@H_316_0@CoUldn't ever be enoUgh(enoUgh) , never got back In toUgh(toUgh)@H_316_0@I gotta go, caUse wonder the prIce sometImes maY be@H_316_0@FREEZE !!@H_316_0@We're gonna make thIs town@H_316_0@When the clock strIkes and the people get down@H_316_0@If YoU wanna folLow, brIng It on YoUr pal@H_316_0@If YoU know the model then YoU know jUst how, now(now)@H_316_0@-------------------------------------------------------------@H_316_0@彼此都清楚今晚想一起@H_316_0@碰上了即使片刻不能离@H_316_0@天一光彼此抛进碎纸机@H_316_0@各有各记挂著太短时期@H_316_0@* 来换两句我爱你@H_316_0@看似就要飞@H_316_0@然后道别荡漾著@H_316_0@幻灭的滋味@H_316_0@谁若吻我我吻你@H_316_0@就是没有对不起@H_316_0@# 如若你坏不起难为你@H_316_0@刺痛若你担得起越夜越有机@H_316_0@如若你坏不起难为你@H_316_0@这晚若觉得乐极生悲不要动气 # *@H_316_0@-------------------------------------------------------------@H_316_0@更多歌词都可以来 chagecI.cn 查歌词网@H_316_0@WatchIn' me make It move@H_316_0@ProbablY jUst get It rIght back To You@H_316_0@I can't lose, that's mY mood@H_316_0@Now whatcha gonna do when I come for YoU@H_316_0@Let's mInUs glove, fInd YoUr bra@H_316_0@Show me now what YoU made of@H_316_0@Make It what, show Up@H_316_0@Let's make It, take It, break It now@H_316_0@-------------------------------------------------------------@H_316_0@即管给光辉光到了不起@H_316_0@要与你暗里耀眼得神奇@H_316_0@呼吸声听得见事有跷蹊@H_316_0@这次你中箭没有差毫厘@H_316_0@(repeat *)@H_316_0@-------------------------------------------------------------@H_316_0@I'm gonna doUble that he gets hIgh@H_316_0@RIght now, handlIng mY bUsIness@H_316_0@GIvIng what I got, never gonna get enoUgh@H_316_0@To the nIght, and I'm not gonna top@H_316_0@CUz whIle mY shot goes pop(pop), shock(shock)@H_316_0@@R_237_2254@s In the nIghtclUb shock(shock)@H_316_0@BAM !! No doUbt Is how I'm gonna go oUt@H_316_0@(repeat #)@H_316_0@-------------------------------------------------------------@H_316_0@We're gonna make thIs town@H_316_0@When the clock strIkes and the people get down@H_316_0@If YoU wanna folLow, brIng It on YoUr pal@H_316_0@If YoU know the model then YoU know jUst how, now(now)@H_316_0@感谢 CX 修正歌词