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Now That You Can't Have

吉克隽逸And there's no tUrnIng back

FoUnd YoU love me a lIttle too late
YoU threw It all awaY babY babY
Now that YoU can't have me
Now that YoU can't have me
That`s when YoU want me
BUt babY It's too late
TIme to set the record straIght
No no no no
I don't want YoU aroUnd no more

Now that YoU can't see me
That's when YoU need me
BUt sorrY the love's gone

ThIs tIme YoUr tImIng was jUst all wrong
No no no no
I don't want YoU aroUnd no more
Now that YoU can't have me babY
Now that YoU can't have me babY

I don't want YoU aroUnd no more

《Now That You Can't Have Me (《绝命逃亡》电影片尾曲英文版|争气(英文版))》


争气 (《绝命逃亡》电影片尾曲中文版)
我是女王 (《我是女王》电影同名主题曲)