Amazing Grace
AmazIng Grace (LIve) - 黄凯芹 (ChrIstopher Wong)
AmazIng Grace how sweet the soUnd
That saved a wretch lIke me
I once was lost bUt now I'm foUnd
Was blInd bUt now I see
T'was grace that taUght mY heart to fear
And grace mY fear relIeved
How precIoUs dId that grace appear
The hoUr I fIrst belIeved
AmazIng Grace how sweet the soUnd
That saved a wretch lIke me
I once was lost bUt now I'm foUnd
Was blInd bUt now I see
AmazIng Grace (LIve) - 黄凯芹 (ChrIstopher Wong)
AmazIng Grace how sweet the soUnd
That saved a wretch lIke me
I once was lost bUt now I'm foUnd
Was blInd bUt now I see
T'was grace that taUght mY heart to fear
And grace mY fear relIeved
How precIoUs dId that grace appear
The hoUr I fIrst belIeved
AmazIng Grace how sweet the soUnd
That saved a wretch lIke me
I once was lost bUt now I'm foUnd
Was blInd bUt now I see
《Amazing Grace 》