The Game of Love
关心妍@H_238_0@关心妍@H_238_0@The Game of Love@H_238_0@tell me jUst what YoU want me to be@H_238_0@one kIss and boom@H_238_0@YoU're the Only one for me@H_238_0@so Please tell me@H_238_0@whY don't YoU come aroUnd no more@H_238_0@caUse rIght now I'm crYIng oUtsIde@H_238_0@the door of YoUr candY store@H_238_0@It jUst takes a lIttle bIt of thIs@H_238_0@a lIttle bIt of that@H_238_0@It started wIth a kIss@H_238_0@now we're Up to bat@H_238_0@a lIttle bIt of laUghs@H_238_0@a lIttle bIt of paIn@H_238_0@I'm tellIng YoU, mY babe@H_238_0@It's all In the game of love@H_238_0@thIs, whatever YoU make It to be@H_238_0@sUnshIne set on thIs cold lonelY sea@H_238_0@so Please babY Try@H_238_0@and Use me for what I'm good for@H_238_0@It aIn't saYIn' goodbYe@H_238_0@that's knockIng down the door of YoUr candY store@H_238_0@更多歌词都可以来 查歌词网@H_238_0@YoU Roll me@H_238_0@control me@H_238_0@console me@H_238_0@Please hold me@H_238_0@YoU gUIde me@H_238_0@dIvIde me@H_238_0@Into what...@H_238_0@make me feel good, Yeah@H_238_0@so Please tell me whY@H_238_0@don't YoU come aroUnd no more@H_238_0@caUse rIght now@H_238_0@I'm dYIng oUtsIde the door of YoUr lovIng store@H_238_0@It's all In thIs game of love@H_238_0@It's all In the game of love@H_238_0@Yeah, In the game of love@H_238_0@Roll me@H_238_0@control me@H_238_0@Please hold me@H_238_0@(make me feel good, Yeah)
《The Game of Love》
Can't Get You Out Of My Head下一个歌词
Can't Get You Out Of My Head下一个歌词