Free Loop
冯提莫I'm a lIttle Used to callIng oUtsIde YoUr name@H_235_0@
So I can't keep from goIng Insane@H_235_0@
BUt I Don't know enoUgh I get some kInda lazY daY@H_235_0@
HeY Yeah@H_235_0@
I've been fabUloUs throUgh to fIght mY town a name@H_235_0@
I'll be stooped Tomorrow If I Don't leave as them both the same@H_235_0@
BUt I Don't know enoUgh I get some kInda lazY daY@H_235_0@
HeY Yeah@H_235_0@
CaUse It's hard for me to lose@H_235_0@
In mY lIfe I've foUnd Only tIme wIll tell@H_235_0@
And I wIll fIgUre oUt that we can babY@H_235_0@
We can do a one nIght stand Yeah@H_235_0@
And It's hard for me to lose In mY lIfe@H_235_0@
I've foUnd oUtsIde YoUr @R_530_2957@ rIght near the fIre@H_235_0@
That we can babY@H_235_0@
We can change and feel alrIght@H_235_0@
I'm a lIttle Used to wanderIng oUtsIde the raIn@H_235_0@
YoU can leave me Tomorrow If It sUIts YoU jUst the same@H_235_0@
BUt I Don't know enoUgh I need @R_328_1575@ who leaves the daY@H_235_0@
HeY Yeah@H_235_0@
CaUse It's hard for me to lose@H_235_0@
In mY lIfe I've foUnd Only tIme wIll tell@H_235_0@
And I wIll fIgUre oUt that we can babY@H_235_0@
We can do a one nIght stand Yeah@H_235_0@
And It's hard for me to lose In mY lIfe@H_235_0@
I've foUnd oUtsIde YoUr @R_530_2957@ rIght near the fIre@H_235_0@
That we can babY@H_235_0@
We can change and feel alrIght@H_235_0@
CaUse It's hard for me to lose@H_235_0@
In mY lIfe I've foUnd Only tIme wIll tell@H_235_0@
I wIll fIgUre oUt that we can babY@H_235_0@
We can do a one nIght stand Yeah@H_235_0@
And It's hard for me to lose In mY lIfe@H_235_0@
I've foUnd oUtsIde YoUr @R_530_2957@ rIght near the fIre@H_235_0@
That we can babY@H_235_0@
We can change and feel alrIght@H_235_0@
CaUse It's hard for me to lose@H_235_0@
In mY lIfe I've foUnd Only tIme wIll tell@H_235_0@
And I wIll fIgUre oUt that we can babY@H_235_0@
We can do a one nIght stand Yeah@H_235_0@
And It's hard for me to lose In mY lIfe@H_235_0@
I've foUnd oUtsIde YoUr @R_530_2957@ rIght near the fIre@H_235_0@
That we can babY@H_235_0@
We can change and feel alrIght
《Free Loop》
I Knew You Were Trouble
I Knew You Were Trouble