飞儿乐团The Game - Intro@H_216_0@
In the name of JesUs, let Us praY:@H_216_0@
Father we thank YoU for wakIng Us Up thIs mornIng.@H_216_0@
We thank YoU for sUrroUndIng Us wIth YoUr gUardIan angels as we slept.@H_216_0@
We thank YoU for wakIng oUr famIlY, frIends, and loved ones as well keepIng Us safe.@H_216_0@
We thank YoU for wakIng oUr enemIes thIs daY@H_216_0@
Father for theY are YoUr chIldren as we are.@H_216_0@
Lord I, Earl SImmons, standIn the gap for Jayceon Terrell TaYlor@H_216_0@
and praY that he Is contInUed as a chIld of YoUrs.@H_216_0@
He Is contInUed In YoUr grace, he Is contInUed wIth the blessIngs@H_216_0@
that YoU've blessed so manY others wIth.@H_216_0@
In the name of JesUs.@H_216_0@
We praY that anY obstacle that the devIl plans to place In oUr path@H_216_0@
wIll be removed In the name of JesUs, Father.@H_216_0@
EverY spIrIt, everYthIng that Is not of YoU we come agaInst rIght now Father.@H_216_0@
EverY spIrIt of addIctIon.@H_216_0@
EverY spIrIt of anger.@H_216_0@
EverY spIrIt of jealoUsY.@H_216_0@
EverY spIrIt of deceptIon.@H_216_0@
EverY spIrIt of greed.@H_216_0@
EverY spIrIt of envY.@H_216_0@
EverY spIrIt of lUst.@H_216_0@
Ee come agaInst rIght now, In the name of JesUs, Father.@H_216_0@
Let Us saY:@H_216_0@
DevIl, we repUte YoU In the name of JesUs!@H_216_0@
DevIl, we repUte YoU In the name of JesUs!@H_216_0@
DevIl, we repUte YoU In the name of JesUs!@H_216_0@
DevIl, we repUte YoU In the name of JesUs!@H_216_0@
DevIl, we repUte YoU In the name of JesUs!@H_216_0@
DevIl, we repUte YoU In the name of JesUs!@H_216_0@
DevIl, we repUte YoU In the name of JesUs!
把爱传出来 (抒情飞儿版)下一个歌词
Get High
把爱传出来 (抒情飞儿版)下一个歌词
Get High
- Get High
- 雨樱花
- 天天夜夜
- 飞行部落
- 北极圈
- 你很爱他
- 1234567
- 眷恋
- I Don't Care
- 我最爱的人
- 飞行部落 (梦想3G版)
- 天天夜夜 (抢先试听版)
- Get High (抢先试听版)
- 飞行部落 (抢先试听版)
- 我最爱的人
- I Don't Care
- 眷恋
- 1234567
- 你很爱他
- 钻石之心
- 爱在蔓延时
- 锦绣梦
- 攻无不克
- 将逝之爱
- 一个世界的辽阔
- 恋恋
- Someday
- 信者恒信
- 光的姿态
- 相信希望
- 将逝之爱
- 攻无不克
- 天地之间
- 海雾
- 无限青春(Forever Young)
- Fairyland In Reality
- 爱上属于你的天空(In The Name...
- 自由之歌(The Freedom Song)
- 梦见岛(Dream Island)
- 星火(Spark)
- 忘年会(Year-End Gathering)
- 造梦者(Can You Remember)
- 如果你说爱我(If You Say You ...
- 美丽的你(Under Your Skin)
- 刺青春(Thorns)
- 自由之歌(The Freedom Song)
- 爱上属于你的天空
- 爱我所爱(& 动力火车)
- 声音之城