The Legend传说
飞儿乐团@H_231_0@飞儿乐团@H_231_0@The Legend传说@H_231_0@Long Ago, there was a bIrd who sang bUt jUst once In her lIfe.@H_231_0@From the moment she left the nest,@H_231_0@she searched the longest leaf for a thorn tree,@H_231_0@never restIng UntIl she foUnd one.@H_231_0@Then she began to sIng,@H_231_0@more sweetlY than anY other creatUre on the face of the earth.@H_231_0@BUt carrY awaY In the raptUroUs honor song,@H_231_0@she Impaled herself on the longest, sharpest thorn.@H_231_0@As she was dYIng,@H_231_0@she rose above her own agonY to oUt-sIng even the lark and the nIghtIngale.@H_231_0@The thorn bIrd traded her lIfe for that one song and@H_231_0@the whole world was captUred to lIsten!@H_231_0@And God, In HIs heaven Smiles~@H_231_0@As her verY best was broUght oUt Only of the cost of great paIn.@H_231_0@DrIven bY the thorn, wIth no fear for her death to come.@H_231_0@BUt when we pUsh the thorn Into oUr breast,@H_231_0@更多歌词都可以来 查歌词网@H_231_0@We know…@H_231_0@We Understand…@H_231_0@And stIll…we choose the paIn of the thorn…@H_231_0@传说中,有一种鸟一生只鸣唱一次,当牠离开巢穴的那一天起,@H_231_0@就永不停歇地寻找著世上最长的荆棘。@H_231_0@当牠找到时,就会将自己的胸膛朝着最长最尖的刺撞去,@H_231_0@在最深最刻苦的痛中,引吭高歌,而这样的歌声,@H_231_0@超越了牠自身的痛楚,声音无与伦比,感人肺腑,@H_231_0@就连世人以为声音甜美的云雀或夜莺都不能与之相比,@H_231_0@刺鸟从不惧死亡的降临,以牠的生命作为换取世上最美丽歌声的代价,@H_231_0@而当我们迎向最深刻的痛,我们知道我们将无所畏惧,因为,@H_231_0@“唯有经历著最深沉的痛楚,才能换取最美好的事物!”
《The Legend传说》
- 无限
- 千年之恋
- LOVE*3
- 盛宴(演奏)
- 应许之地
- 把爱放开
- NeverLand
- The Legend传说
- 刺鸟
- 爱的力量
- 死心的理由
- I can't go on
- What's Next?
- 无限
- 无限
- I Can't Go On
- 死心的理由
- 爱的力量
- 刺鸟
- The Legend 传说…
- 钻石之心
- 爱在蔓延时
- 锦绣梦
- 攻无不克
- 将逝之爱
- 一个世界的辽阔
- 恋恋
- Someday
- 信者恒信
- 光的姿态
- 相信希望
- 将逝之爱
- 攻无不克
- 天地之间
- 海雾
- 无限青春(Forever Young)
- Fairyland In Reality
- 爱上属于你的天空(In The Name...
- 自由之歌(The Freedom Song)
- 梦见岛(Dream Island)
- 星火(Spark)
- 忘年会(Year-End Gathering)
- 造梦者(Can You Remember)
- 如果你说爱我(If You Say You ...
- 美丽的你(Under Your Skin)
- 刺青春(Thorns)
- 自由之歌(The Freedom Song)
- 爱上属于你的天空
- 爱我所爱(& 动力火车)
- 声音之城