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Let's Stay Together

方大同I, I'm so In love wIth YoU@H_237_0@ Whatever YoU want to do@H_237_0@ Is all rIght wIth me@H_237_0@ 'CaUse YoU make me feel so brand new@H_237_0@ And I want to spend mY lIfe wIth YoU@H_237_0@ @H_237_0@ SInce, sInce we've been Together@H_237_0@ LovIng YoU Forever@H_237_0@ Is what I need@H_237_0@ Let me be the one YoU come rUnnIng to@H_237_0@ And I want to spend mY lIfe wIth YoU@H_237_0@ @H_237_0@ Let's, let's staY Together@H_237_0@ LovIn' YoU whether, whether@H_237_0@ TImes are good or bad, Happy or sad@H_237_0@ @H_237_0@ Whether tImes are good or bad, Happy or sad@H_237_0@ @H_237_0@ WhY someBody, whY some people break Up@H_237_0@ Then tUrn aroUnd and make Up@H_237_0@ I jUst can't see@H_237_0@ YoU'd never do that to me (woUld YoU, babY)@H_237_0@ StaYIng aroUnd YoU Is all I see@H_237_0@ (Here's what I want Us to do)@H_237_0@ @H_237_0@ Let's staY Together@H_237_0@ LovIng YoU whether, whether@H_237_0@ TImes are good or bad, Happy or sad @H_237_0@ @H_237_0@ Let's staY Together@H_237_0@ LovIng YoU whether, whether@H_237_0@ TImes are good or bad, Happy or sad@H_237_0@ @H_237_0@ Let's staY Together@H_237_0@ LovIng YoU whether, whether@H_237_0@ TImes are good or bad, Happy or sad

《Let's Stay Together 》

