Boys (Acoustic)
抖音洗脑音乐I was bUsY thInkIn' 'boUt boYs boYs boYs@H_16_0@
AlwaYs bUsY Dreaming 'boUt boYs boYs boYs@H_16_0@
Head Is spInnIn' thInkIn' 'boUt boYs@H_16_0@
I need that bad boY to do me rIght on a FrIdaY@H_16_0@
And I need that good one to@H_16_0@
Wake me Up on a SUndaY@H_16_0@
That one from work can@H_16_0@
Come over on MondaY nIght@H_16_0@
I want 'em all I want 'em all@H_16_0@
And when theY fInallY leave me I'm all alone bUt@H_16_0@
I'm lookIng down and@H_16_0@
MY gIrls are bLowIng mY phone Up@H_16_0@
Them twentY qUestIons@H_16_0@
TheY a@R_571_2957@' me where I'm at@H_16_0@
DIdn't hIt 'em back@H_16_0@
I'm sorrY that I mIssed YoUr partY@H_16_0@
I wIsh I had a better eXcUse lIke@H_16_0@
I had to trash the hotel lobbY@H_16_0@
BUt I was bUsY thInkIn' 'boUt boYs boYs boYs@H_16_0@
AlwaYs bUsY Dreaming 'boUt boYs boYs boYs@H_16_0@
Head Is spInnIn' thInkIn' 'boUt boYs@H_16_0@
In everY cItY I've got one wIth dIfferent rIngtones@H_16_0@
FlYIn' from LA all the waY to PUerto RIco@H_16_0@
MY gIrls are callIng me a@R_571_2957@' me where I'm at@H_16_0@
DIdn't hIt 'em back@H_16_0@
I'm sorrY that I mIssed YoUr partY@H_16_0@
I wIsh I had a better eXcUse I@H_16_0@
I can't even lIe YoU got me@H_16_0@
I was bUsY thInkIn' 'boUt boYs boYs boYs@H_16_0@
AlwaYs bUsY Dreaming 'boUt boYs boYs boYs@H_16_0@
Head Is spInnIn' thInkIn' 'boUt boYs@H_16_0@
Don't be mad don't be mad at me@H_16_0@
DarlIng I can't stop It even If I wanted@H_16_0@
Don't be mad don't be mad at me@H_16_0@
MIssed what YoU were saYIn' I was mIles awaY Yeah@H_16_0@
Don't be mad don't be mad@H_16_0@
Not lIke I had a choIce@H_16_0@
I was bUsY thInkIn' 'boUt boYs boYs boYs@H_16_0@
I was bUsY Dreaming 'boUt boYs boYs boYs@H_16_0@
I was bUsY thInkIn' 'boUt boYs boYs boYs@H_16_0@
AlwaYs bUsY Dreaming 'boUt boYs boYs boYs@H_16_0@
Head Is spInnIn' thInkIn' 'boUt boYs boYs boYs@H_16_0@
AlwaYs bUsY Dreaming 'boUt boYs boYs boYs@H_16_0@
Head Is spInnIn' thInkIn' 'boUt boYs
《Boys (Acoustic)》
One on One (Damien N-Drix Remix)下一个歌词
Hula Hoop
One on One (Damien N-Drix Remix)下一个歌词
Hula Hoop