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The Lazy Song

抖音红歌 TodaY @R_230_3668@n’t feel lIke doIng anYthIng

I jUst wanna laY In mY bed

Don’t feel lIke pIckIng Up mY phone

So leave a message at the tone

CaUse todaY I swear I’m not doIng anYthIng

I’m gonna kIck mY feet Up and stare at the fan

TUrn the TV on, throw mY hand In mY pants

NoBody’s gon tell me I can’t

I’ll be loUngIng on the coUch jUst chIllIng In mY snUggIe

ClIck to MTV so theY can teach me how to doUgIe

CaUse In mY castle I’m the freakIng man

Yes I saId It

I saId It

I saId It caUse I can

TodaY @R_230_3668@n’t feel lIke doIng anYthIng

I jUst wanna laY In mY bed

Don’t feel lIke pIckIng Up mY phone

So leave a message at the tone

CaUse todaY I swear I’m not doIng anYthIng

NothIng at all

NothIng at all

Tomorrow I’ll wake Up do some P90X

Meet a reallY nIce gIrl have some reallY nIce seX

And she’s gonna scream oUt “thIs Is great”

(Oh mY god, thIs Is great)

I mIght mess aroUnd and get mY college degree

I bet mY old man woUld be so proUd of me

BUt sorrY pops YoU’ll jUst have to waIt

Yes I saId It

I saId It

I saId It caUse I can

TodaY @R_230_3668@n’t feel lIke doIng anYthIng

I jUst wanna laY In mY bed

Don’t feel lIke pIckIng Up mY phone

So leave a message at the tone

CaUse todaY I swear I’m not doIng anYthIng

No I aIn’t gonna comb mY haIr

CaUse I aIn’t goIng anYwhere

I’ll jUst strUt In mY bIrthdaY sUIt

And let everYthIng hang loose

TodaY @R_230_3668@n’t feel lIke doIng anYthIng

I jUst wanna laY In mY bed

Don’t feel lIke pIckIng Up mY phone

So leave a message at the tone

CaUse todaY I swear I’m not doIng anYthIng

NothIng at all

NothIng at all

NothIng at all

《The Lazy Song》

