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Look At Me Now (Explicit Ver

抖音短视频BGMChrIs Brown - Look At Me Now (Solo VersIon)@H_239_0@ YelLow model chIck@H_239_0@ YelLow bottle sIppIng@H_239_0@ YelLow LamborghInI@H_239_0@ YelLow top mIssIng@H_239_0@ Yeah Yeah@H_239_0@ That sh-t look lIke a toUpee@H_239_0@ I get what YoU get In 10 Years' In two daYs@H_239_0@ LadIes love me@H_239_0@ I'm on mY cool J@H_239_0@ If YoU get what I get what woUld YoU saY@H_239_0@ She waX It all off' Mr MIYagI@H_239_0@ And them sUIcIde doors' HarI KarI@H_239_0@ Look at me now' look at me now@H_239_0@ Oh' I'm gettIng paper@H_239_0@ Look at me now@H_239_0@ Oh' look at me now@H_239_0@ Yeah' fresh than a mUthaf-cker@H_239_0@ LIke what I got kIcks@H_239_0@ JUst lIke Im moon walkInIng@H_239_0@ Im the shIt 'whole room talkIng@H_239_0@ What Im blazIng It's amazIng@H_239_0@ And I lIke them whIt gIrls CaUcasIan @H_239_0@ LadIes love me' I'm on mY cool J@H_239_0@ If YoU get what I get what woUld YoU saY@H_239_0@ She waX It all off' Mr MIYagI@H_239_0@ MY card shIts on YoUr lIfe porter pottY@H_239_0@ Look at me now' look at me now@H_239_0@ Oh' I'm gettIng paper@H_239_0@ Look at me now@H_239_0@ Oh' look at me now@H_239_0@ Yeah' fresh than a mUthaf-cker@H_239_0@ LIl n-gga bIgger than gorIlla@H_239_0@ CaUse I'm kIllIng everY n-gga that@H_239_0@ Try to be on mY sh-t@H_239_0@ Better cUff YoUr chIck If YoU wIth her@H_239_0@ I can get her@H_239_0@ And she accIdentallY slIp Fall on mY dIck@H_239_0@ Ooops' I saId on mY dIck@H_239_0@ I aInt reallY mean to saY on mY d-ck@H_239_0@ BUt sInce we talkIng aboUt mY dIck@H_239_0@ All of YoU haters saY hI to It@H_239_0@ I'm Done 'Now I'm back@H_239_0@ AaY' now let me see what's Up@H_239_0@ NIgger what's happenIng@H_239_0@ ThIs hears a @R_257_3726@' I gUess I'm ChrIstmas wrappIng@H_239_0@ Now let's see what happens when YoU mIX petreUn and magnUms@H_239_0@ I'm ballIn' wIth cheerleaders Orlando magIc@H_239_0@ LadY's love me I'm on mY cool J's@H_239_0@ If U lIved how I lIved It woUld be great@H_239_0@ Love Money so mUch that's whY I eat cake@H_239_0@ Haters oUtsIde the clUb wIth that mean face @H_239_0@ Look at me now' look at me now@H_239_0@ Oh' I'm gettIng paper@H_239_0@ Look at me now@H_239_0@ Oh' look at me now@H_239_0@ Yeah' fresh than a mUthaf-cker@H_239_0@ Ok' ok' It's that rIght@H_239_0@ Yep

《Look At Me Now (Explicit Version)》

