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邓丽君jambalaYa@H_616_0@ @H_616_0@ 邓丽君 演唱@H_616_0@ @H_616_0@ JambalaYa《什锦菜》@H_616_0@ @H_616_0@ Good-bYe, Joe,he gotta go, me oh mY oh @H_616_0@ 再见了,乔得走了, 天啊。@H_616_0@ He gotta go pole the pIrogUe down the baYoU @H_616_0@ 驾驶着独木舟,顺着密西西比河往下游@H_616_0@ HIs Yvonne, the sweetest one, me oh mY oh@H_616_0@ 的依凡,是最甜美的女孩,老天!@H_616_0@ Son of a gUn, we'll have bIg fUn on the baYoU @H_616_0@ @R_695_4057@,让我们在河岸玩个痛快~!@H_616_0@ ThIbodaUX, FontaIneaUX,the place Is bUzzIng@H_616_0@ 提巴多〈地名〉,方坦诺〈地名〉,这里充满欢乐的声音。@H_616_0@ KIn-folk come to see Yvonne bY the dozen @H_616_0@ 亲友们成群结队来看依凡,把这儿挤得水泄不通@H_616_0@ Dress In stYle theY go hog wIld, me oh mY oh@H_616_0@ 他们衣着光鲜,尽情作乐,我的老天!@H_616_0@ Son of a gUn, we'll have bIg fUn on the baYoU. @H_616_0@ @R_695_4057@,让我们在河岸玩个痛快~!@H_616_0@ @H_616_0@ JambalaYa and a crawfIsh pIe and fIllet gUmbo @H_616_0@ (宴会上) 有什锦菜,小虾派,秋葵加肉片。@H_616_0@ 'CaUse tonIght I'm gonna see mY ma cher a mI-o! @H_616_0@ 因为今晚我将见到我的爱人!@H_616_0@ PIck gUItar, fIll frUIt jar and be gaY-o @H_616_0@ 拿把吉,装满水果罐子,好不快活 @H_616_0@ Son of a gUn, we'll have bIg fUn on the baYoU@H_616_0@ @R_695_4057@,让我们在河岸玩个痛快~!@H_616_0@ Settle down far from town get hIm a pIrogUe@H_616_0@ 要是找个远离都市的地方顿下来,再给弄艘独木舟。@H_616_0@ And he'll catch all the fIsh In the baYoU @H_616_0@ 会为依凡捕尽河岸所有的鱼。@H_616_0@ Swap hIs mom to bUY Yvonne what she need-o @H_616_0@ 用的所有去换些依凡想要的东西![haha~~] @H_616_0@ Son of a gUn, we'll have bIg fUn on the baYoU @H_616_0@ @R_695_4057@,让我们在河岸玩个痛快~!@H_616_0@ @H_616_0@ JambalaYa and a crawfIsh pIe and fIllet gUmbo @H_616_0@ 什锦菜,小虾派,秋葵加肉片。@H_616_0@ 'CaUse tonIght I'm gonna see mY cher a mI-o! @H_616_0@ 因为今晚我将见到我的爱人!@H_616_0@ PIck gUItar, fIll frUIt jar and be gaY-o @H_616_0@ 拿把吉,装满水果瓮,好不快活 @H_616_0@ Son of a gUn, we'll have bIg fUn on the baYoU @H_616_0@ @R_695_4057@,让我们在河岸玩个痛快~!@H_616_0@ JambalaYa and a crawfIsh pIe and fIllet gUmbo @H_616_0@ 什锦菜,小虾派,秋葵加肉片。@H_616_0@ 'CaUse tonIght I'm gonna see mY cheramI-o! @H_616_0@ 因为今晚我将见到我的爱人!@H_616_0@ PIck gUItar, fIll frUIt jar and be gaY-o@H_616_0@ 拿把吉,装满水果瓮,好不快活 @H_616_0@ Son of a gUn, we'll have bIg fUn on the baYoU@H_616_0@ @R_695_4057@,敢不敢和我们到河里玩个痛快@H_616_0@ @H_616_0@ JambalaYa and a crawfIsh pIe and fIllet gUmbo @H_616_0@ 什锦菜,小虾派,秋葵加肉片。@H_616_0@ 'CaUse tonIght I'm gonna see mY cheramI-o! @H_616_0@ 因为今晚我将见到我的爱人!@H_616_0@ PIck gUItar, fIll frUIt jar and be gaY-o @H_616_0@ 拿把吉,装满水果瓮,好不快活 @H_616_0@ Son of a gUn, we'll have bIg fUn on the baYoU . @H_616_0@ @R_695_4057@,让我们在河岸玩个痛快~!@H_616_0@ JambalaYa and a crawfIsh pIe and fIllet gUmbo@H_616_0@ 什锦菜,小虾派,秋葵加肉片。@H_616_0@ 'CaUse tonIght I'm gonna see mY cheramI-o! @H_616_0@ 因为今晚我将见到我的爱人!@H_616_0@ PIck gUItar, fIll frUIt jar and be gaY-o @H_616_0@ 拿把吉,装满水果瓮,好不快活 @H_616_0@ Son of a gUn, we'll have bIg fUn on the baYoU @H_616_0@ @R_695_4057@,让我们在河岸玩个痛快~!



For Once In My Life
The Way We Were