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陈奕迅电影"百分百感觉Ⅱ"国语宣传曲@H_916_0@ @H_916_0@ Yo@H_916_0@ Yo I got somethIn' to saY@H_916_0@ YoU know sometImes@H_916_0@ when YoU get all pIssed at me@H_916_0@ when YoU're lIke not talkIng to me@H_916_0@ well@H_916_0@ sometImes love Is jUst a game@H_916_0@ jUst lIke anYthIng else@H_916_0@ YoU gotta know what YoU want@H_916_0@ and the rest doesn't reallY matter@H_916_0@ cUs sometImes@H_916_0@ YoU jUst gotta pUt thIngs In perspectIve@H_916_0@ then maYbe YoU can Understand@H_916_0@ lIke whY we're doIng the stUff we're doIng to each other@H_916_0@ and sometImes@H_916_0@ YoU jUst gotta learn to take It easY@H_916_0@ YoU know what I'm saYIng@H_916_0@ cUs@H_916_0@ @H_916_0@ 若能表白 我中的依赖@H_916_0@ 你我当初也不必那么哀@H_916_0@ 若能敞开 把真相说出来@H_916_0@ 这一段故事不会太精采@H_916_0@ @H_916_0@ 种种意外若能够明白@H_916_0@ 那生存意义又何在@H_916_0@ 若能推猜这一切的未来@H_916_0@ 我干脆辞掉工作买大彩@H_916_0@ @H_916_0@ becaUse 爱是妒忌@H_916_0@ 爱是怀疑@H_916_0@ 爱是种近乎幻想的真理@H_916_0@ becaUse 爱是游戏@H_916_0@ 爱能叛逆@H_916_0@ so别把这游戏看的太仔细@H_916_0@ no no…@H_916_0@ @H_916_0@ It's lIke sometImes I Don't even know who I am Anymore@H_916_0@ Can't see what's the poInt of beIng In love Anymore@H_916_0@ It's a game what a shame@H_916_0@ YoU make It lame bY goIng Insane aboUt It@H_916_0@ ThIs love aIn't what YoU saY aboUt It@H_916_0@ It's aboUt what YoU do aboUt It@H_916_0@ So get wIth It, stIck wIth It@H_916_0@ If YoU stIll can't Understand well, than forget aboUt It@H_916_0@ SometImes all YoU do to me Is sUlk, lIke YoU got somethIng to saY@H_916_0@ BUt nothIng makes sense when YoU move YoUr lIps@H_916_0@ All YoU do Is get pIssed at me@H_916_0@ DIssed at me@H_916_0@ Wonder whY YoU're stIll here wIth me@H_916_0@ SometImes all YoU do to me Is sUlk, lIke YoU got somethIng to saY@H_916_0@ BUt nothIng makes sense when YoU move YoUr lIps@H_916_0@ All YoU do Is get pIssed at me@H_916_0@ Damn@H_916_0@ Take It easY


