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陈小春TLC @H_573_0@ @H_573_0@ @H_573_0@ @H_573_0@ UnprettY(PUmpIn' Dolls RadIo MIX)@H_573_0@ @H_573_0@ @H_573_0@ I wIsh I coUld tIe YoU Up In mY shoes@H_573_0@ Make YoU feel UnprettY too@H_573_0@ I was told I was beaUtIfUl@H_573_0@ BUt what does that mean To You@H_573_0@ Look Into the mIrror who's Inside there@H_573_0@ The one wIth the long haIr@H_573_0@ Same old me agaIn todaY(Yeah)@H_573_0@ @H_573_0@ MY oUtsIdes look cool@H_573_0@ MY Insides are blUe@H_573_0@ EverYtIme I thInk I'm throUgh@H_573_0@ It's becaUse of YoU@H_573_0@ I've trIed dIfferent waYs@H_573_0@ BUt It's all the same@H_573_0@ At the end of the daY@H_573_0@ I have mYself to blame@H_573_0@ I'm jUst trIppIn'@H_573_0@ @H_573_0@ YoU can bUY *new* haIr If It won't grow@H_573_0@ YoU can fIX YoUr nose If YoU *saY* so@H_573_0@ YoU can bUY all the make Up@H_573_0@ That M.A.C. can make@H_573_0@ BUt If YoU can't look Inside YoU@H_573_0@ FInd oUt, who am I to@H_573_0@ Be In the posItIon to make me feel@H_573_0@ So damn UnprettY@H_573_0@ I'll make YoU feel UnprettY too@H_573_0@ @H_573_0@ @H_573_0@ @H_573_0@ Never InsecUre UntIl I met YoU@H_573_0@ Now I'm beIng stUpId@H_573_0@ I Used to be so cUte to me@H_573_0@ JUst a lIttle bIt @R_366_2957@nY@H_573_0@ WhY do I look to all these thIngs@H_573_0@ To keep YoU Happy@H_573_0@ MaYbe get rId of YoU@H_573_0@ And then I'll get back to me(heY)@H_573_0@ @H_573_0@ MY oUtsIdes look cool@H_573_0@ MY Insides are blUe@H_573_0@ EverYtIme I thInk I'm throUgh@H_573_0@ It's becaUse of YoU@H_573_0@ I've trIed dIfferent waYs@H_573_0@ BUt It's all the same@H_573_0@ At the end of the daY@H_573_0@ I have mYself to blame@H_573_0@ I belIeve I'm trIppIn'@H_573_0@ @H_573_0@ Oh oh oh oh oh@H_573_0@ Oh oh oh oh oh(oh)@H_573_0@ Oh oh oh oh oh@H_573_0@ Oh oh oh oh oh(oh)



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