You Make Me Wanna...
陈小春HIs Is what YoU do@H_574_0@
ThIs Is what YoU do@H_574_0@
ThIs Is what YoU do@H_574_0@
YoU make me wanna leave the one I'm wIth@H_574_0@
Start a new relatIonshIp wIth YoU@H_574_0@
ThIs Is what YoU do@H_574_0@
ThInk aboUt her and the thIngs that come along wIth@H_574_0@
YoU make me@H_574_0@
YoU make me wanna leave the one I'm wIth@H_574_0@
Start a new relatIonshIp wIth YoU@H_574_0@
ThIs Is what YoU do@H_574_0@
ThInk aboUt her and the thIngs that come along wIth@H_574_0@
YoU make me@H_574_0@
YoU make me@H_574_0@
Before anYthIng began between Us@H_574_0@
YoU were lIke mY bestfrIend@H_574_0@
The one I Used to rUn to talk to me and mY@H_574_0@
GIrl was havIng problems thats rIght@H_574_0@
YoU Used to saY It woUld be okaY@H_574_0@
SUggest lIttle nIce thIngs I shoUld do@H_574_0@
And when I come home at nIght and laY mY head down@H_574_0@
All I seem to thInk aboUt Is YoU@H_574_0@
And how YoU make me wanna@H_574_0@
YoU make me wanna leave the one I'm wIth@H_574_0@
Start a new relatIonshIp wIth YoU@H_574_0@
ThIs Is what YoU do@H_574_0@
ThInk aboUt her and the thIngs that come along wIth@H_574_0@
YoU make me@H_574_0@
YoU make me wanna leave the one I'm wIth@H_574_0@
Start a new relatIonshIp wIth YoU@H_574_0@
ThIs Is what YoU do@H_574_0@
ThInk aboUt her and the thIngs that come along wIth@H_574_0@
YoU make me@H_574_0@
YoU make me@H_574_0@
Now what's bad@H_574_0@
Is YoU're the one that hooked Us Up@H_574_0@
KnowIng It shoUld've been YoU@H_574_0@
What's sad Is I love her bUt I'm FallIng for YoU@H_574_0@
What shoUld I Do@H_574_0@
ShoUld I@H_574_0@
Tell mY babY bYe bYe@H_574_0@
ShoUld I@H_574_0@
Do eXactlY what I feel Inside@H_574_0@
CaUse I@H_574_0@
I Don't wanna go@H_574_0@
Don't need to staY@H_574_0@
BUt I reallY need to get It Together@H_574_0@
YoU make me wanna leave the one I'm wIth oh babY@H_574_0@
Start a new relatIonshIp wIth YoU@H_574_0@
ThIs Is what YoU do@H_574_0@
ThInk aboUt her and the thIngs that come along wIth@H_574_0@
YoU make me@H_574_0@
YoU make me wanna leave the one I'm wIth oh babY@H_574_0@
Start a new relatIonshIp wIth YoU@H_574_0@
ThIs Is what YoU do@H_574_0@
ThInk aboUt her and the thIngs that come along wIth@H_574_0@
YoU make me@H_574_0@
YoU make me@H_574_0@
Verse 3@H_574_0@
At thIs poInt@H_574_0@
The sItUatIon's oUt of control@H_574_0@
I never meant to hUrt her bUt I@H_574_0@
Gotta let her go@H_574_0@
And If she maY not Understand It@H_574_0@
WhY all of thIs Is goIng on@H_574_0@
I trIed@H_574_0@
I trIed to fIght It bUt the feelIngs jUst to strong@H_574_0@
YoU make me wanna wanna@H_574_0@
YoU make me wanna@H_574_0@
YoU make me wanna leave the one I'm wIth@H_574_0@
Start a new relatIonshIp wIth YoU@H_574_0@
ThIs Is what YoU do@H_574_0@
ThInk aboUt her and the thIngs that come along wIth@H_574_0@
YoU make me@H_574_0@
YoU make me wanna leave the one I'm wIth@H_574_0@
Start a new relatIonshIp wIth YoU@H_574_0@
ThIs Is what YoU do@H_574_0@
ThInk aboUt her and the thIngs that come along wIth@H_574_0@
YoU make me@H_574_0@
YoU make me
《You Make Me Wanna...》
不欢而散 (Break Up Mix Up)下一个歌词
Hard To Say I'm Sorry
不欢而散 (Break Up Mix Up)下一个歌词
Hard To Say I'm Sorry