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Don't Cry For Me Argent

陈慧娴陈慧娴@H_365_0@ don't crY for me argentIna lIve@H_365_0@ @H_365_0@ It won't be easY, YoU'll thInk It strange@H_365_0@ when I Try to eXplaIn how I feel@H_365_0@ that I stIll need YoUr love after all that Ive done@H_365_0@ YoU wont belIeve me@H_365_0@ all YoU wIll see Is a gIrl YoU once knew@H_365_0@ althoUgh shes dressed Up to the nInes@H_365_0@ at sIXes and Sevens wIth YoU@H_365_0@ I had to let It happen, I had to change@H_365_0@ coUldnt staY all mY lIfe down at heel@H_365_0@ lookIng oUt of the wIndow, staYIng oUt of the sUn@H_365_0@ so I chose freedom@H_365_0@ rUnnIng aroUnd, TryIng everYthIng new@H_365_0@ bUt nothIng Impressed me at all@H_365_0@ I never eXpected It to@H_365_0@ dont crY for me argentIna@H_365_0@ the trUth Is I never left YoU@H_365_0@ all throUgh mY wIld daYs@H_365_0@ mY mad eXIstence@H_365_0@ I kept mY promIse@H_365_0@ dont keep YoUr dIstance@H_365_0@ and as for fortUne, and as for fame@H_365_0@ I never InvIted them In@H_365_0@ thoUgh It seemed to the world theY were all I desIred@H_365_0@ theY are IllUsIons@H_365_0@ theY are not the solUtIons theY promIsed to be@H_365_0@ the answer was here all the tIme@H_365_0@ I love YoU and hope YoU love me@H_365_0@ dont crY for me argentIna@H_365_0@ @H_365_0@ dont crY for me argentIna@H_365_0@ the trUth Is I never left YoU@H_365_0@ all throUgh mY wIld daYs@H_365_0@ mY mad eXIstence@H_365_0@ I kept mY promIse@H_365_0@ dont keep YoUr dIstance@H_365_0@ have I saId too mUch?@H_365_0@ theres nothIng more I can thInk of to saY To You.@H_365_0@ bUt all YoU have to do Is look at me to know@H_365_0@ that everY word Is trUe

《Don't Cry For Me Argentina 》


Medley A: 每当变幻时 / 明日话今天 / 鲜花满月楼