歌词找歌名就上歌词大全! 歌词大全


陈慧琳Nona HendrYX - TransformatIon@H_574_0@ I LOVE JJ 4EVER@H_574_0@ SIsters!@H_574_0@ From one sIster to another fUnkY sIster@H_574_0@ It’s all aboUt transformatIon@H_574_0@ It’s all aboUt change@H_574_0@ It’s one thIng a woman knows aboUt@H_574_0@ Constant@H_574_0@ Change Is the Only constant@H_574_0@ We bleed and don’t dIe@H_574_0@ We sweat when It’s mInUs fIftY oUtsIde@H_574_0@ We fIght In the battles sIde bY sIde@H_574_0@ It’s a sIster thIng@H_574_0@ It’s a W-O-M-A-N thIng@H_574_0@ And we’re comIng Together@H_574_0@ We’re pUllIng oUrselves Together@H_574_0@ SIsters!@H_574_0@ It’s all aboUt transformatIon@H_574_0@ RUst to dUst@H_574_0@ Us to them@H_574_0@ Change YoUr mInd@H_574_0@ Change YoUr @R_266_2957@@H_574_0@ LIfe to death@H_574_0@ Weak to strength@H_574_0@ Cash YoUr check@H_574_0@ Change YoUr seX@H_574_0@ DaY to NIght@H_574_0@ Dark to Light@H_574_0@ Hard an Soft@H_574_0@ On YoUr own@H_574_0@ PUsh to shove@H_574_0@ Hate to love@H_574_0@ In and oUt@H_574_0@ It’s all aboUt@H_574_0@ TransformatIons@H_574_0@ VarIatIons@H_574_0@ AlternatIons@H_574_0@ DevIatIons@H_574_0@ YoU know Mother NatUre rUles Us all@H_574_0@ I move and I go@H_574_0@ In tIme@H_574_0@ Fast or sLow@H_574_0@ I move@H_574_0@ ThroUgh doors@H_574_0@ Each tIme@H_574_0@ Less or more@H_574_0@ Wet to drY@H_574_0@ EYe to eYe@H_574_0@ YIng to Yang@H_574_0@ PleasUre or paIn@H_574_0@ Good to bad@H_574_0@ CrazY or Sane@H_574_0@ YoU make the rUles@H_574_0@ Then YoU Play the game@H_574_0@ (Oh YoU got to Play the game)@H_574_0@ FIst or glove@H_574_0@ Lose or wIn@H_574_0@ YoU lIve a lIfe of sIn@H_574_0@ Then YoU BUrn agaIn@H_574_0@ (Oh sInner YoU better rUn)@H_574_0@ Trash to art@H_574_0@ Heart to heart@H_574_0@ BIg or small@H_574_0@ We’re all aboUt (SIsters, (we’re all aboUt)@H_574_0@ TransformatIons@H_574_0@ VarIatIons@H_574_0@ AlternatIons@H_574_0@ DevIatIons@H_574_0@ YoU know Mother NatUre rUles Us all@H_574_0@ RUles Us all@H_574_0@ RUles Us all@H_574_0@ RUles Us all@H_574_0@ RUles Us all@H_574_0@ ~The End


