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My Way

曹格I ate It Up and spIt It oUt
I faced It all And I stood tall
And dId It mY waY

Ive loved Ive laUghed and crIed
Ive had mY fIll mY share of losIng
And now as tears sUbsIde
I fInd It all so amUsIng
To thInk I dId all that
And maY I saY - not In a shY waY
No oh no not me
I dId It mY waY
For what Is a man what has he got
If not hImself then he has naUght
To saY the thIngs he trUlY @R_574_2256@
And not the words of one who kneels
The record shows I took the bLows -
And dId It mY waY

《My Way》


真爱格言 :单数 + 无辜 + 爱到最后一秒也不委曲 + 妹妹要快乐 + 爱爱