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Long Way Without Friends (19

Beyondlong waY wIthoUt frIends@H_623_0@ 词 黄家驹.陈时. 曲 黄家驹. 主唱 黄家驹.@H_623_0@ @H_623_0@ the sUn Is scorchIng down,@H_623_0@ and the sand reflect Its Light.@H_623_0@ I'm movIng wIth mY shadow,@H_623_0@ throUgh thIs emptY haUnted land.@H_623_0@ strange soUnds from nowhere,@H_623_0@ and the strong wInd cUt mY face.@H_623_0@ noBody'll help bUt what else can I Do ?@H_623_0@ oh! lord I need YoUr help,@H_623_0@ In the skY there's a eagle soarIng bY!@H_623_0@ oh, long waY wIthoUt frIends,@H_623_0@ bUt I'll never, never change mY mInd!@H_623_0@ the moon Is hangIng hIgh,@H_623_0@ wIth her lonelY stars behInd,@H_623_0@ the moonlInght lIt the groUnd.@H_623_0@ the moonLight gIve me a chIll,@H_623_0@ bUt Only the moonLight,wIll show me mY waY@H_623_0@ noBody'll help,bUt what else can I Do?@H_623_0@ the Gift Is In mY hands,@H_623_0@ and the road before mY eYes,@H_623_0@ the fIre has ceased to bUrn.@H_623_0@ I can feel the tortUre's gone.@H_623_0@ bUt wIll It last for long,@H_623_0@ when the spell Is stIll aroUnd.@H_623_0@ noBody care,bUt what else can I Do?

《Long Way Without Friends (1988北京Live)》


谁是勇敢 (1986台北Live)