歌词找歌名就上歌词大全! 歌词大全

Ah Ah

黄丽玲All the gIrl, wIsh to be seXY@H_234_0@ PrenY red dresses & hIgh hells@H_234_0@ PUt lIp stIck on and make me hIgh@H_234_0@ How gorgeoUs I am@H_234_0@ @H_234_0@ I reallY love mYself@H_234_0@ Let's jUst be sYpe cUte gIrls@H_234_0@ I Don't need eXpensIve thIngs@H_234_0@ YoU want me bUt YoU can't have It@H_234_0@ @H_234_0@ ladY come on joIn the partY "Dance Dance"@H_234_0@ Show me how YoU're "MovInq"@H_234_0@ that have a crUsh on YoU@H_234_0@ BabY YoU're enslaved bY mY cheam "No No"@H_234_0@ I Don't mInd "Ah Ah"@H_234_0@ NoBody can stop me@H_234_0@ @H_234_0@ Most of the gIrls wanna have fUn@H_234_0@ GoIng to clUbs In the nIght tIme@H_234_0@ MY mom was alwaYs angrY at me@H_234_0@ BUt when she was YoUng, she was hot@H_234_0@ @H_234_0@ I reallY love mYself@H_234_0@ Let's jUst be sUper cUte gIrls@H_234_0@ I Don't need eXpensIve thIngs@H_234_0@ YoU want me bUt YoU can't have It@H_234_0@ @H_234_0@ TheY gIve me dIamond rIng "BlIng BlIng"@H_234_0@ BUt theY're nothIng "To Me"@H_234_0@ CaUse I'm mUc mUch more@H_234_0@ Yes, YoU can't bUY me "No No"@H_234_0@ DIfferent from"The Others"@H_234_0@ NoBody can stop me

《Ah Ah》

